Friday, June 16th, 7:30 pm
Salle Bourgie, MBAM

Hommage à Oliver Jones
Jazzman par excellence
A Tribute to Oliver Jones featuring 8 artists who have performed with Oliver over the years including some who appeared with the Oscar Peterson Trio
Tickets: $50, $70
Students $20
Artists: Robi Botos, Taurey Butler, Lorraine Desmarais, Michel Donato, Jim Doxas, Eric Lagacé, Dave Laing, Ranee Lee
The name of Montreal-born Oliver Jones is synonymous with the greatest in jazz music. Along with his Montreal compatriot and buddy Oscar Peterson, the stamp of Oliver Jones is undeniable. At 88, he has played with the greatest and inspired generations of jazz performers and music lovers. On this night he will be honoured in a totally unique way. With performances by former members of his jazz quartet, this evening will be a jam session like no other.
You will never hear a jazz program like this one…ever!

Salle Bourgie
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1339 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1G2
Sponsor of the Night: Sebastian Van Berkom